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    Excellent point sheepwheat. I like that you encourage us to do our own independant criticsl thinking. My younger farm helper is a firm believer in climate change. I dont spend much time discussing the issue because....well.... I am ignorant on the subject.
    Similar to SF3, I have seen this kind if spring weather before l. I also recall far more bitter, extended cold snaps. I am a farmer and I can only work with the weather of the day/week/year. People have to understand that we do not control the weather, we manage our lives around (within?) the forecast. I do think that there has been good policies in

    Your statement leaves with with the question where does a person find historical and recent weather records. There are times in the growing season I would like to know how hard it froze the night before. I struggle to find the previous day/night weather in my apps. Very strong odds I am lazy and not looking hard enough.


      Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
      [I'll go with anything other than global warming because the climate in my half-century it hasn't changed.
      I love it when you present some real data how deniers fall back with their NIMBY answers and name calling. SK3 has been telling use for over a decade how the weather patterns have changed, how wet it was on his farm, etc, etc, but after one year of dry weather that there has been no weather change in a half century where he lives.

      Or Sheepwheat knows the artic is not warming because he has checked temps in some artic communities and they are cold. Wow, minus 29C at Alert one day! One day, one community, is temperature, not climate. Now if the -29 was the monthly average for Alert and he compared that temp to the average same monthly temp for that community over the last 50 years and colder then maybe he would be worth listening to. But comparing it to anything but long term trends is not a picture of climate. By the way, I flew into Inuvik one time many years ago and it was in the -50Cs that day. Means no more than -29 at Alert.[/QUOTE]

      And my point flew up and over your head...


        Real facts Saskfarmer 3 and others who says there has been no climate change:
        From Alberta Climate records:
        Key Messages
        •30 temperature indices and 15 precipitation indices were calculated for the period 1950 to 2010 for the Province of Alberta, including trend analysis with significance levels.
        •Results provide a compelling picture of overall warming and changes of weather extremes.
        •It could be confirmed that Alberta's climate is warming stronger than the global average.
        •Annual average temperatures have increased by 1 - 2°C in the South, and by 2 - 4°C in the North, with winters showing the strongest warming (up to 8°C), and summer the weakest warming (often 1°C or less).
        •Generally, and with few exceptions, the number of very cold days, when the minimum temperature falls below -10°C, has about halved across Alberta since the 1950s, and the number of heatwaves has roughly doubled.
        •With the exception of regions with high elevations, snowfall is being replaced by rainfall (because of shorter winters).
        •The growing season has lengthened by between 2 and 5 weeks per year.
        •Energy requirements for heating have decreased by about 10%, but the energy requirements for cooling are increasing in the extreme south-east of the Province.
        •The temperature trends reported here are likely to continue and accelerate, thus providing an indication of what we expect in the near future.
        •Historical temperature records are no longer a true indicator for the future, and society must adapt to the new conditions.

        Anyone who has flown over BC, AB, SK forests know the damage of mountain pine beetle and that a primary reason of the expansion of the beetle is we no longer have cold enough temps to kill the beetle https://www.unbc.ca/releases/2007/climate-change-and-mountain-pine-beetle https://www.unbc.ca/releases/2007/climate-change-and-mountain-pine-beetle

        From NOAA

        Click image for larger version

Name:	global-temperatures.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	93.0 KB
ID:	766386
        Last edited by dmlfarmer; Apr 12, 2018, 12:48.


          DML just FYI I do believe in climate change, I believe it has always gone up and down.
          Volcanoes,a trillion buffalo/gazillion codfish/and more passenger pigeons than we have now probably had an effect but more humans burning fossil fuels likely effect more.
          But to think we're burning up the atmosphere is a little self aggrandizing. The sun is the architect of our atmosphere and is doing a good job of it.


            Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post

            And my point flew up and over your head...
            I did not miss your point, I am saying you point is meaningless. You cannot base climate change on single day temperatures anywhere. That is weather. You need to look at trends over a minimum of 30 years.

            And I agree that solar radiation and sunspots affect our weather, as does El Ninos and La Ninas. And so does volcanos and cosmic radiation. Science is clear these all affect weather. Most scientists also agree that man has an impact, including heat island effect from building cities, to fossil fuel use, to burning of forests for land use. To say that man is having no impact on climate is close minded and anti science. Science is not settled on how much of an effect we are having however.

            There has all kinds of data showing the climate has warmed over the last century. It has not been a constant warming; nor would it expected to be given the impacts of natural phenonma on weather. However there is no question the world is warming. And science tells us that warming will cause impact is weather like the polar vortex slumping southward.

            So my point was, instead of celebrating this cold spring as a sign that climate change is all a hoax, instead this may be the new normal because climate change is real and speeding up. Read some real science instead of blogs or denier websites.


              I don't quite see why the advantages of having open Arctic waters in February is not touted as being a good thing. Send those icebreakers back to port early.
              Now, if you are predicting that ice conditions will not exist at any time of the year in the Arctic , then I would agree that that would be bad for sea level communities which should never have developed in the first place.
              Otherwise, since sea ice forms at 28.4 degrees F, what difference as your gleaned article(s) state does it matter if it is minus 29 degrees F, or minus 50 degree F in the Arctic. Those conditions only matter on the continents where humans actually live.


                Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                And grassfarmer has reassured me that a shorter growing season is exactly what we need for increased production....
                Don't lie about what I said - you know full well I never said that.

                This video might help some of you grasp the global patterns of climate change rather than just looking out your window.



                  Nice video for deniers. Spend a minute and a half of your time and watch what has happened in the Artic from 1984-2016. https://ca.video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=mcafee&p=nasa+sea+ice+animation#id=1&vid= 68e543fe07e5af7a54f9f7e830783095&action=click https://ca.video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=mcafee&p=nasa+sea+ice+animation#id=1&vid= 68e543fe07e5af7a54f9f7e830783095&action=click

                  Checking, good point. But then you have to believe and not deny that the climate is warming and not cooling. And you might have to accept more cold springs like this one due to shift in the jet streams, and more snow and rain due to open Artic waters. My whole point is that our current WEATHER does not men climate change is false, it may in fact be further proof that it is real!


                    Worlds been cooling for 3 years folks:



                      Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
                      Nice video for deniers. Spend a minute and a half of your time and watch what has happened in the Artic from 1984-2016. https://ca.video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=mcafee&p=nasa+sea+ice+animation#id=1&vid= 68e543fe07e5af7a54f9f7e830783095&action=click https://ca.video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=mcafee&p=nasa+sea+ice+animation#id=1&vid= 68e543fe07e5af7a54f9f7e830783095&action=click

                      Checking, good point. But then you have to believe and not deny that the climate is warming and not cooling. And you might have to accept more cold springs like this one due to shift in the jet streams, and more snow and rain due to open Artic waters. My whole point is that our current WEATHER does not men climate change is false, it may in fact be further proof that it is real!
                      A few years ago, it was in the news that the European alps were in trouble with global warming. See, they had a warm and dry winter. The ski chalets were suffering. I remember clearly that the media was full on saying this was a climate change caused phenomenon.

                      So the warmers can use their stupid one year events as solid proof of warming?

                      Closer to home, when the potholes in the hills between Humboldt and saskatoon, in the early 2000’s, dried up, it was definite that this was the new normal, and that man caused warming was the culprit. There were articles and studies all over the place, about how we could adapt if the ducks could not. Then the wet years came, filled the sloughs up to beyond capacity. So it is bs, plain and simple.

                      The warmists use a warm stretch as proof, but we dumb minion deniers can not even dream of daring to bring facts into the equation?

                      A bit rich, just like gore and Suzuki.


                        Originally posted by biglentil View Post
                        Worlds been cooling for 3 years folks:

                        Please do watch that, and then go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DFypd5NGS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DFypd5NGS8 where you can find out all about Ben Davidson and his videos.

                        I actually feel sorry for anyone who pays a membership fee to Davidson and his many companies so they can be fed junk science videos about climate change. Reminds me of the travelling rain man in old western movies. And you call liberals gullible.


                          Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
                          A few years ago, it was in the news that the European alps were in trouble with global warming. See, they had a warm and dry winter. The ski chalets were suffering. I remember clearly that the media was full on saying this was a climate change caused phenomenon.

                          So the warmers can use their stupid one year events as solid proof of warming?

                          Closer to home, when the potholes in the hills between Humboldt and saskatoon, in the early 2000’s, dried up, it was definite that this was the new normal, and that man caused warming was the culprit. There were articles and studies all over the place, about how we could adapt if the ducks could not. Then the wet years came, filled the sloughs up to beyond capacity. So it is bs, plain and simple.

                          The warmists use a warm stretch as proof, but we dumb minion deniers can not even dream of daring to bring facts into the equation?

                          A bit rich, just like gore and Suzuki.

                          I would love for you to bring some facts! At least provide a fact based answer to my original questions in post number 10 that are based on fact.


                            Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
                            I would love for you to bring some facts! At least provide a fact based answer to my original questions in post number 10 that are based on fact.
                            When they say there is water collecting at the pole, or that the arctic is currently much above normal, and one looks at actual current temperatures and forecasts for arctic areas, and notices it is not at all true? That is fact enough for me.

                            You ought to give it a shot someday. Again, I look DAILY. You ought to try it sometime. That big red blob of heat hovering above the arctic circle? Was a lie. That is fact.


                              As soon as I hear title dropping I know im wasting my time. Just another tit spouting off about his credentials in attempt to discredit logic.

                              The abrupt weather changes on the other planets in the solar system must be human caused too? Ive never paid a cent to Ben Davidson, nor does Ben Davidson even state that humans do not have an effect on the climate. Worrying about a 50 ppm rise in C02 however is foolish.


                                Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
                                When they say there is water collecting at the pole, or that the arctic is currently much above normal, and one looks at actual current temperatures and forecasts for arctic areas, and notices it is not at all true? That is fact enough for me.

                                You ought to give it a shot someday. Again, I look DAILY. You ought to try it sometime. That big red blob of heat hovering above the arctic circle? Was a lie. That is fact.

                                Sheepwheat, the Artic is a big place. In fact Alert, where it was -29C the day you checked when it was reported there was water at the north pole, is actually 817 km from the pole. I think you are smart enough to know that temperatures and weather can be significantly different over 817 km. I have no idea what day that minus 29 was but tell me, was that above or below normal for Alert that day? That is the important question.

                                I can tell you that on February 25, 18 when it was 6.1C at the Cape Morris Jesup weather station in northern Greenland, it was much hotter than the normal -30C for that day. So for you to call reports that the Artic was not warmer than normal because temperatures for the stations you checked were cold is hilarious!

                                https://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/freak-warm-arctic-weather-is-unusual-but-getting-less-so/96891/ https://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/freak-warm-arctic-weather-is-unusual-but-getting-less-so/96891/
                                Last edited by dmlfarmer; Apr 12, 2018, 13:33.


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