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Respect, and Marketing Choice

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    Respect, and Marketing Choice


    I find the Supreme Court decision on the vote in prison interesting... infact it could be a key in a constitutional challenge to free wheat in the west!

    Now since the Supreme Court cares about the feelings of some prisoners doing long term time in prison....

    How much more should the CWB respect the choice of farmers in the "designated area" who need the vote for their wheat, as a ballot... whether to offer their own grain to the CWB... or not... as the case may be!

    This classic liberal decision should wake up CWB directors... they should not be dictators... they need to conform to the "Canadian compromise" they claim to cherrish!


    Is the CWB really feeling good about Chatenay, while he is locked up?

    While the cat is in the cage... the mice will play...

    I get a sad sick feeling... every time I hear CWB directors beating on families who are in the cage...

    Don't you think a little respect for personal responsibility... is in order?

    Isn't your push more than a little obvious... intervention in the CWB election process???

    Why did not the CWB candidates running in the CWB election take the issue and deal with it in their own way?

    If the CWB REALLY believes this is just a customs/jail issue... why are you folks saying anything??????

    Somehow the magician seems to be doing illusions again?


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