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Where is the Alberta AAFRD Minister?

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    Where is the Alberta AAFRD Minister?

    Julie… since you work for our Minister...


    I see Prime Minister Chretien said yesterday…...on CBC...

    We are "looked upon as being arrogant, self-satisfied, greedy and with no limits.” “The 11th of September is an occasion for me to realize it even more."

    Then he added;

    "When you're powerful like you are, you guys, this is the time to be nice," the PM said.

    Parsley wrote about the farmers who are being sent to jail…... WHAT is the Alberta Minister's position on the jailing political prisioners in Alberta???

    But what about the rest of us in the “designated area”, who the CWB treats with the same contempt? The below quote is from the first statement on the new CWB Home PAGE…

    “The Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) is a farmer-controlled organization that markets all the wheat and barley grown by western Canadian producers. Based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, the CWB is the largest single seller of wheat and barley in the world, holding more than 20 per cent of the international market.”

    It appears to me that the CWB took the…


    To be literally theirs to sell…... when they pre-sold a large percentage of the 2002-03 crop in May and June of 2002…

    NOW ALBERTA and all other “designated area” prisoners of the CWB have no CHOICE but to pay for the CWB’s…

    “arrogant”, illegal…

    (because they didn’t own any of the barley the pre-sold, and little of the wheat they sold),… “self-satisfied, greedy and with no limits” Actions against we Alberta farmers and all other CWB subjects.

    My question for you and the Alberta Government is this;

    Since the CWB… has been;

    “arrogant, self-satisfied, greedy and with no limits” the way it treats “designated area” wheat and barley farmers…

    (take a look on the last 20 topics if you don’t know why)…

    What is the Alberta Government and the Alberta Grain Commission going to do to stop this insane… prison time for our “designated area” ALBERTA political demonstrators…?????

    And then expropriation of our wheat and barley without reasonable compensation (CWB taxing us through the pooling accounts and PPO’s) for the rest of we “DESIGNATED AREA” Alberta political "prisoners" of the CWB Monopoly?

    ...Since someone said..."When you're powerful like you are, you guys, this is the time to be nice" isn’t it????

    And it isn’t just farmers either…

    Since the CWB pre-sold this large percentage of the 2002-03 crop, at low May/June 2002 prices, and now doesn’t have the quality or quantity of grain to deliver they thought they were going to exploit…

    Unfortunately domestic value added industries like our domestic Maltsters and Millers and other processor who bought and subsequently contracted these products……. up the value chain….. to the food and beverage sector,

    …. now have a huge problem, …. as the CWB is now unable to deliver on it’s low value contracts…. and is refusing, and or can’t, deliver much of the quality products needed to fulfill the contracts entered into by our value added food industry.

    Isn’t it time the Alberta Government took ACTION before we destroy the credibility of our whole industry??????

    Just to high the Minister/AAFRD have quite a few things on our plate given the drought, Ag. Polcy Framework negotiations with the feds., proposed changes to NISA, etc., etc., etc. It is a very difficult year for everyone in the Ag. industry.

    Bill 207 will also get debated this fall. I would expect that some of the issues you raise will be included in this discussion.

    Finally, we are entering the CWB director election period for half the districts. Farmers will have the opportunity to hear different opinions/vissions of where the CWB should be going. The policy is to help farmers understand the issues and make an informed decision. The real issue is to get people to vote.

    On the information side, the Alberta Grain Commission has good information posted on the web.



      Julie, I see your name has changed!!!

      Thanks Charlie... your not as pretty as Julie though... THat wasn't very nice of me was it!

      The "CWB political prisioners" issue is one that must be dealt before Oct. 31st, and since the Alberta Gov. signed off on sending these people through the courts, they have an obligation to stop this insane game the Federal government is playing... before someone actually goes to prison.

      My sister-inlaw told me about a lady in Saskatoon that heard about how bad the prisons were there ... so she wanted to go to jail to see for her self...

      She purposely did many little things, traffic violations, parking tickets, and nonagressive things... to force them to put her in jail(as she wouldn't pay the fines), just like the CWB political protesters.

      The Lady was NOT allowed to go to jail, they just sentinced her to community service... of course she was already doing copious amounts of this... so she didn't get to go to jail and write about how the conditions are.

      Further for exactly the same charge in Manitoba Rick Strankman recieved an absolute discharge, yet for the same charges in Alberta, Rick gets to go to jail for many months... which should tell us something about the Manitoba Justice system...

      The numerous cases in Sask. are no where near sending anyone to prison... as it is obvious that SASK. Justice knows this is a political protest...

      SO tell me Charlie, or Julie, OR Minister McClellan, why is Alberta so eager to allow these people to serve prision time?

      IS ALLOWING this physical abuse of Alberta citizens the only way to get Ottawa's attention, and resolve this insane game they are playing with our lives in Alberta?

      Is this what our "free and democratic" nation has turned into?


        Take a look at


        and you will read some statistics on the Administration and General Expenses of the CWB from 1987 through until 2000. The # of employees and the dollars spent. Receipts from Producers. CWB Borrowings! Wow

        Farmers should have a hissy.


          Julie doesn't talk tom. I asked her months ago to say a few words of wisdom but have had no reply so far.



            I guess she is just to shy...

            Oh well, I tried!


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