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What Went Wrong?

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    Um,well, ahh the new Canadians got more new Canadians.


      The chance of China ever listening to our drama flunkie and his enviro/labor/aboriginal rights components of ‘progressive’ trade deals was zero. One would expect they would recognize that but maybe not..or it’s all a big show which is also possible
      Was at a meeting with Champagne last week and he listed off the ‘Comprehensive and Progressive’ details they are adding to every trade deal like they are leading the world, and everyone is looking to Canada to lead. While listening, and he delivers the message with the enthusiasm of a good politician, I had to really wonder whether he even believed it himself.
      On India, and the question was asked why not slap tariffs on stuff coming to Canada-we import about $4 bil of a few things from them, and that is less than 1% of their exports, so they would not notice if they didn’t export anything to us.

      India is pissed that our Defense minister (ya the one that said he was in combat and well wasn’t) said something supportive of the Sikh community there - and the Hindu govt didn’t like that - serious deal there.

      Sock boy is going to India in Feb. if it hasn’t rained much on the Rabi crop, the tariff will be off by then.


        Thread title: "What Went Wrong?"

        This went wrong....The 42nd Canadian federal election on October 19, 2015.


          Who does the photo ops benefit more? Thats all these trips are.
          Asking China to consider its gender treatment.
          No one outside the West knows what the hell that is.
          Sadly no one inside the West finds anything ridiculous in the situation.
          Likely heavily edited inside China.
          JT just selling more of himself to his voters. Thats all. Everyone knows it.
          Good for a laugh I guess.....


            Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
            Who does the photo ops benefit more? Thats all these trips are.
            Asking China to consider its gender treatment.
            No one outside the West knows what the hell that is.
            Sadly no one inside the West finds anything ridiculous in the situation.
            Likely heavily edited inside China.
            JT just selling more of himself to his voters. Thats all. Everyone knows it.
            Good for a laugh I guess.....

            BP, sadly it's not really funny! Actually kinda "pathetic" would be a more accurate description.

            Canada is in a "black-out", we are losing a period of time in our history with this government! Hopefully people do remember!!!


              Burnt I was joking he definitely didn’t get anything from Pierre.

              Sad 4 to 8 years for canada.

              Love the reports all is fine but Canadian companies are thinking about moving south and shipping product north. Trumps a better bet than sock boy.

              Watch Dangercats latest Utube can’t post but god it’s funny about Trudeau and Nutcase in Alberta


                Originally posted by burnt View Post
                What credible person would want to be pictured seriously negotiating with a clown?


                This dolt thinks he's so darn cool that he can into trade negotiations with one of the world's economic powerhouses dressed like a freakin' preppy and be taken seriously?

                He is mirroring his mother more every time he does something.
                Just dressing like that is a SNUB to Chinese leaders, sure wish we could here their news reports...on CBC


                  USA got agreements in place when they met.
                  Instead for Canada, Trudeau dressed like a drama teacher and lectured them.

                  How is TPP11 going?


                    What an embarrassment. Trudeau with Climate Barbie on his left and the Seik combat pretender on his right preaching to the Chinese about climate change and gender equality. Wow. The Chinese even blocked photo ops. Then, he speaks to the Chinese Millennials about Canada, hoping they'll visit and soak in all his diversity fairy dust and return to China to change things for the "better". There's no doubt a labor camp in that future.


                      Just watched the news, why does he think he has to add all this bullshit going on in canada and push it on the world. They don’t care JT about you or your dreams.

                      We’re failing so bad will we ever be able to recover or just hand the keys over to the Russians or Chinese and call it a country.


                        Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
                        We’re failing so bad will we ever be able to recover or just hand the keys over to the Russians....
                        I think Trump beat us to that goal, LOL


                          Our child Prime Minister.

                          China has made it well known they are taking a different path and they arn't apologizing for it.

                          They have taken their GDP from less than $400 to +$8000 since the early 90's

                          I have to ask, what kind of moron should go there and ask they conform to his ‘Comprehensive and Progressive’ agenda.

                          This guy has mental issues. He thinks he can change the world.

                          Stop smoking that stuff before going to meet with the most important people in the world.

                          Read the economy part of this link to get an idea who thought he was going to give a lecture to;




                            Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
                            These liberals can’t figure it out no country in the world will listen to another about how to treat their own people except our idiot who will sell his sole to give every one else but his own people rights.

                            Brain damaged liberals

                            'Canadian values' important in ties to China.

                            "You may remember there was some controversy in the early days of this government, when we said that when we conducted relationships with China or any other country there were really three elements to that," he said.

                            "There were not just economic interests, there were also fundamental human values, Canadian values and also our security interests .... We insist that all of those things be on the table in this and any other relationship."

                            Stephen Harper 2014

                            Was he a brain damaged Con or is there a double standard?


                              He didn't get re-elected did he?

                              That was one of the reasons.


                                Agree he didn’t win and never should of ran. Just retire and get out.

                                But boy wonder is in charge and he is a shit for Brains who’s destroying this country


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